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SAMOA PAC WORKSHOP / Hon. Nafoitoa Talaimanu Keti


“During the last two days, I have come to understand there is another organisation called the “Pacific Association of Supreme Audit Institutions” in other words they called themselves “PASAI”. 

I am very glad to hear from them the purpose of being here for the last two days.  I was so happy to hear from my point of view and is what I see of Parliamentary Committees.  I am also the Vice-Chair of the Standing Orders, Petitions Parliamentary Committee, and hearing all the presentations presented by the representatives of PASAI the last two days, I think it is really helpful. 

The most important thing to me is not only the financial side, but also the performance side, that they are now in a position to audit both (financial and performance). 

The Audit Office in Samoa I now feel that it’s good that they have another organisation which is PASAI, that can assist them to look at, assess and examine their performance in terms of international standards.

Now I feel that the PASAI representatives should deliver this type of workshop on a continuous basis (i.e. every two years).  It is always good to hear from people sharing knowledge and sharing ideas on how to improve our Parliamentary Committees mind-sets in terms of questioning and making enquiries in terms of government ministries and state owned enterprises performance, here on our island, independent state of Samoa.”